Nymans Language - National Trust Commission
As part a new commission at Nymans for the National Trust, we have produced a font that can be installed on your computer so you can write in the new language.
Nymans Font Download
How to install the Nymans font
You can install the Nymans Font on a Mac or PC enabling you to write or translate typed text in Nymans Garden Language in just a few simple steps.
Please remember that all computers are slightly different, so the process for installing a font might be slightly different for your computer. If you have difficulty installing the font, please check the ‘Video help’ section at the bottom of the page.
Video help
There are lots of video on YouTube that explain how to install a font if you are having difficulty. Search for ‘installing a font’ adding the version of Windows or Mac OS you are using. For example ‘installing a font Windows 10'.
PC - Fast and Easy Installation method
1. Click the ‘download’ link to download the font – this is single file called Nymans.zip
2. You will see the font when it downloads in separate window, if you don’t, you need to do a search for Nymans.zip.
3. A zip file is a protective file format that contains your font file. You’ll need to ‘unzip’ the file to unpack the font file. To ‘unzip’ the file, double-click nymans.zip. This will unpack the font file called Nymans Language-Garden.otf which will appear next to the old .zip file.
4. Right click on the the file named Nymans Language-Garden.otf and click ‘install’.
5. After the installation is complete, open MS Word or whatever software you use for writing. On all word processing software, there is a drop down menu usually in the menu bar at the top or the side, scroll down the list and select Nymans font. You will now be able to write using your keyboard in the Nymans font.
Alternative manual installation PC method
If this doesn't work, you will can ‘manually’ put the Nymans Language-Garden.otf font file in your ‘Fonts’ folder which can be found in your ‘Control Panel’.
1. Unzip the Nymans.zip file (as detailed above) to get the Nymans Language-Garden.otf file.
2. Drag the Nymans Language-Garden.otf file to your desktop.
3. Drag the Nymans Language-Garden.otf file from your desktop to the ‘Fonts’ folder to install it.
4. Once you've installed a font, you'll be able to select it any word processor as mentioned in point 5 above.
Mac - Fast and Easy Installation method
1. Click the ‘download’ link on the website to download the font file – this is single file called ‘Nymans.zip’
2. Open a window in finder and locate the downloaded .zip file – it should be in your ‘Downloads’ folder – or, depending on what web browser you are using, the file will make itself visible either in the bottom corner of your browser or in a download list in a pop up window.
3. A zip file is a protective file format that contains your font file. You’ll need to ‘unzip’ the file to unpack the font file. To ‘unzip’ the file, double-click Nymans Language-Garden.otf. This will unpack the font file called Nymans Language-Garden.otf which will appear next to the old .zip file.
4. Double click on the Nymans Language-Garden.otf file and it will open in a piece of software called ‘Font Book’.
5. Click ‘install font’ in the right hand bottom corner and it will automatically install the font on your computer.
6. After the installation is complete, open MS Word or whatever software you use for writing. On all word processing software, there is a drop down menu usually in the menu bar at the top or the side, scroll down the list and select Nymans font. You will now be able to write using your keyboard in the Nymans font.
Alternative manual installation PC method
If this doesn't work, you will need to manually put the Nymans.otf font file in your ‘Fonts’ folder which can be found using your finder to navigate to Home/Library/Fonts.
1. Locate and unzip the Nymans.zip file (as detailed above) to create the Nymans.otf file.
2. Drag the Nymans Language-Garden.otf file from its location to the ‘Fonts’ folder to install it.
3. Once you've installed a font, you'll be able to select it in any program that allows you to choose from a font list.
5. Once you've installed a font, you'll be able to select it any word processor as mentioned in point 6 above.
Sending a message in Nymans
If you want to send someone an email message in Nymans, we suggest you write you message in your chosen software, save it as a PDF and send it as an attachment. If you send them a link to this page as well, they can install the font and translate your message.